This guide is written mostly for Christians in order to survive during events that are written in Revelation. It is written as simple as possible so that anyone can understand it. Solutions that are given here are economically affordable. Apocalypse events have been accelerated lately. The first of the seven trumpets has sounded in 2021. (04-06-24 although we live at the events of 5th seal for the time being)
This is pretty bad for us all, as WWIII is coming soon, which will be more destructive than two previous ones together and will last for several years. Russia is the only superpower that is not controlled by black magicians of antichrist so far. USA allegiance to antichrist is certain unless they choose a president who believes in God. Asian and African countries have already sided with Antichrist. So Russia needs to use something more than conventional weapons (something like omphalos of Delphi, not the stone!) to deal with dark countries coalition. (04-06-24 no, Russian Ukraine-NATO war is not WWIII)
Antichrist`s dictatorship has already been established at some extend with the so called covid pandemic. What they are planning next is to replace id`s and money (soon all countries will use digital money) with the famous mark of the beast, one not very visible QR-code tattoo with 3 microchips, each one performing a certain function for every person placed on forehead or hand by laser technology that is not yet publicly available.)
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Revelation 14: 9
A third angel followed them and
said in a loud voice: “If anyone worships the beast and its image and
receives its mark on their forehead or on their hand,
they, too, will drink the wine of God’s fury, which has been poured full
strength into the cup of his wrath. They will be tormented with burning
sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb.
It goes without saying that if we do not want to lose our souls by
accepting this microchip, we should find a way to survive.
We will have shortages in everything that we could buy so far with money,
because no one will be able to buy or sell without this implant and there will be
large shortages and contamination of food and water due to war and natural
required between sowing and harvesting in a garden is 3-4 months. Some
of the solutions that are proposed here take some time
for preparation. Therefore, one should not wait until he/she sees in TV news that WW3 has
started, since then it will be too late.
Let's start solving one by one all problems that will have emerged:
Nuclear weapons and radioactivity: More or less we
will have to
deal with a factor that we did not have in mind until now. When an
atomic bomb explodes, huge amounts of heat are released, which can cause
up to fourth degree burnings to anything within several kilometers from the
point of detonation and fires as well. Range depends on bomb`s megatons
(1 megaton bomb equals to 1.000.000 tones of TNT explosive power). They cause
radioactive clouds which consists of radioactive
particles, dust and ash, and can remain at the atmosphere for several
days or even months. They can cause black rains due to particles
released by these bombs when they mix with existing particles of the
atmosphere and
moisture thus creating clouds. They can also make electrical appliances
useless due to electromagnetic pulse emitted by them.
Since it is
quite difficult for everyone of us to own underground concrete bunkers,
we will need a simple solution that will protect us up to an extend from radioactivity and other effects of nuclear weapons.
Water is a good insulator of several types of radiation such as Gamma and
X-rays. So one can use several water-mattresses to cover doors and windows
and other parts of house. Houses made of concrete offer enough
insulation from radiation anyway. In case one needs to move by car,
he/she should have water in bottles
in the car for protection (in order to absorb radioactivity to an
extend). That is if you have enough fuel for it. Water
in bottles should be changed regularly and taken from a source as clean as
Your garden that will keep you alive, should be made indoors.
Keep in mind that it takes about five weeks for an area to be cleansed from nuclear weapons
radiation while water from lakes
and springs will be cleansed after several years.
Tsunamis: Because of continuous earthquakes, tsunamis will happen more and
more often, something that our Lord mentions in Matthew and Luke Gospels. If
you see the sea receding quickly and not like at low tide and at the same
time roaring then run away to some place that is higher than the first floor
of an apartment building (no it is not enough!) if you do not want to drown
or be hit by a garbage bin or a car that will be swept away by sea water.
Food: In order to survive one needs half of the amount of
food that he/she consumes nowadays but need to chew food twice the time than
he/she usually does. That way most if not all diseases of the digestive
system will be cured. It is not difficult at all to have a garden indoors in
an apartment or even better in a storagehouse where planting bags can be hanged from the ceiling so that they do not take up
space. It is mandatory for plants to have enough lighting - led lights
suitable for growing plants above each pot or bag. In order to survive one should have
at least the following: (quantities listed are enough to meet the needs
of a family for a month)
lettuce (20 plants)
carrots (20 plants - plant at up to 25 degrees
temperature, at distance 5-10 cm from each other)
potatoes (4 planting bags - in a garden plant at 30-40 cm distance
of from each other)
(10 planting bags - in a garden plant at 70 cm distances)
You should use
compost soil and perlite to improve soil, manure for fertilizer and a copper
based pesticide such as
bordeaux mixture
in order to prevent diseases.
As water is essential for a human being in order to survive, one should have stored
plenty of it. You can
use tanks which will be filled by rainwater and then cover them for protection from
radioactivity. This water can be used to water your garden, for washing. For
drinking you will need many bottles of bottled water. Bottled water
does not go bad as long as it is stored in a dark and cool place away
from chemicals such as typical household cleanings. However,
plastic bottles could deteriorate over time and leak
polyethylene into water, which is no big deal compared with contaminated water
in many lakes and springs from radioactivity of nuclear weapons. Besides
one can use a tulle filled with activated carbon made of palm tree to clean
Water from wells that is clean can be used for drinking even if nuclear
bombs have dropped near, as
it takes several months for water after a nuclear blast to become contaminated.
A very large orgonite properly made can clean contaminated water up to an extend.
In order to survive a person needs at least 30 liters of water every month.
We should seek healing through God`s pharmacy
which truly heals diseases. As most diseases in so called western world come from
bad diet and wrong way of living and as goods will be more to difficult for everyone
to acquire, diseases and need
for medicines will decrease significantly. Herbs that are a must are the following: (quantities listed are enough to meet the
needs of a small town)
Swedish bitters: The solution for nearly all diseases, for treating wounds
and blows comes from Middle Ages
chamomile (menstrual
pain, treating diabetes, osteoporosis, inflammation, cancer, helps with
sleep, cold treatment, skin conditions)
- 40 plants sage (blessed by the Virgin
Mary, for many ailments, works better if
one drinks its decoction daily to prevent diseases) - 30 plants
oregano (its
oil kills most, if not all germs - viruses) - 10 plants taraxacum
(cleans blood, liver - gallbladder diseases, inflammation, tonic) - 10
nettle (cleans blood, tonic, allergies
and many other diseases) - 20 plants
St. John's wort
(neurological diseases, insomnia, depression, as an oil for
wounds) -10 plants
achillea millefolium
(mainly for gynecological problems and
stop bleeding) - 15 plants
lamium album (for pains - cramps from gynecological
problems, cleans blood) - 10 plants
equisetum (keeps old men healthy, kidney
cleansing) - 20 plants
Electricity: Electricity is mandatory for our
daily needs. If you are not Tesla who can generate electricity from
anywhere or if you do not live near a river so you can easily generate
electricity from a washing machine, you will need a photovoltaic
system or even better electric power generators connected to bicycles. Using
these generators is better, because photovoltaic are expensive and there will not be enough
sunlight due to radioactive clouds.
For a country such as Greece all this
be prepared by the army since ego here is enormous. There should be two
gardens-warehouses of medicines per small town (population 30.000), one big
garden-warehouse for food.
Each house will have its personal garden anyway. Most
important thing is to have faith in God and no pride because from pride
comes moaning, envy, malignancy, quarrels, wars. Let us not forget that passions
and that we drove away God from our hearts caused these
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